Friday, October 3, 2008

Regarding the YouTube vids in the right side bar

Okay kids. I have no clue why the YouTube vids come up as they do. When I set it up, it asked for some names of the subscriptions you have. I gave the Jason Castro ones that I am subscribed to and I do get some of his vids there...but now there is some really weird things about Sarah Palin. I don't recall even mentioning her on this blog until now. Hmmmm. I wonder where that came from??? Perhaps it's just a big hit because of the VP debates last night, which, I think Sarah did a fine job btw. I can't say that I'd vote for McCain just cuz I like her, but she did a fine job. I think Biden is a schmuck. He's hard to listen to at times. Ah well. If only they were all perfect like me, eh? ;-) (that is a joke, for those of you with no sense of humor)

1 comment:

annie said...

totally off topic, but I love Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, too. I just read it this year and it has got to be one of my all-time favorite books. I think it is so powerful!
(I saw your blog listed on Shelly's --aka The Mom with Brownies--blog.)
: )