Thursday, October 30, 2008

What a black man has to say about why he can't vote for Obama

The following is what I sent out via e-mail recently and I promised to post on my blog:

The following article from is from a black Christian pianist, Huntley Brown. Snopes verified with him that he actually wrote the following letter. A comment from Snopes (and Mr. Brown) follows the letter which I found interesting as well.

We don't have much time to get the word out about Obama. The facts that Mr. Brown mentions can be verified fairly easily. Many of Obama's beliefs have been mentioned by him, in his book and on tape - both video and audio. The mainstream media, which are decidedly liberal, will not point these things out. (see Media Research Center for info on exposing liberal bias) To be intellectually honest, one would have to show all of the bad things about someone as well as the good and this is not being done. The conservative shows are pointing out the bad (primarily) and the liberal shows are pointing out the good (primarily). One would need to watch both shows to see. I stand by my belief that if you can see what Obama stands for and still you support him, then I think you should. My problem is that most of us are not for infanticide, socialism, communism, Marxism, Lenninism, higher taxes, giving our money involuntarily to those who don't work as hard as you (that would be all the "-isms" I mentioned), was involved in ACORN (the organization that is committing voter fraud). And the list goes on. Yet we are saying we want to vote for him because it would be cool to have a black president. Yes, I believe it would. However, not THIS one. Besides, Joe Biden can't get through an interview with Barbara West without getting angry because someone finally has the gall to give him the hard questions that Sarah Palin has been deflecting all along. (see

Okay, 'nuff of my soapbox. Read Huntley Brown's. He probably puts it much more eloquently than I.

Jen Varberg

P.S. If this is important to you, please feel free to pass along to others who may be on the fence. This is a very important election. I will also have this e-mail and other links of reference on my blog, which can be linked to below, in my signature

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