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I'm not referring to the Jesus-kind of perfection, of course.
You see, my mom used to tease me all of the time because I always claimed I was a perfectionist in some ways. She teased me because my house is always a mess and I have trouble keeping things tidy. What a paradox, huh?
I'm not referring to the game either!
Here's the thing. Yesterday at our Financial Peace (Dave Ramsey) class, I discovered something about myself. Something I've long suspected, but didn't really come to full realization until last night. I'm really a perfectionist. Or, as Dave Ramsey would say, a Nerd. My problem is, I'm also someone who doesn't like conflict or stress. So, if my perfectionism gets to the point where I would be freaking out at those around me in order to obtain said perfection, that part of me backs down and I just ignore what my perfectionism causes me to be bothered by.
Here's an example: My house. There are things I would like to do, wa
ys I'd like it to be and places I'd like things to be stored. I live with two children and a husband. Unfortunately, one of those children likes mess and the husband has definite ideas of where some of those things should be stored. So, I ignore it. It's not really their fault. I just don't want the hassle of riding anyone on a daily basis. I don't need my blood pressure up because it's not how I want it. So, I ignore it. It's easier to pretend it's not there than to allow myself to obsess over. I find it very difficult to do "happy medium". I always kick into high gear when someone is coming over. Do you do that too? The thing is (and I'm not sure it's a common thing) I feel like I'm blind and I'm just feeling my way through this thing. I'm so used to ignoring it, that I don't know what it is I should make to appear "clean" for my guests. Oh, but you won't find a lot of germs though, because Jen has watched one too many Oprah shows in her life and sanitizes all surfaces like door knobs and sink faucets - just in case Oprah should show up at her door with Dr. Oz and the crew. (okay, that's not why) - You may see clutter, but when you whip out your handy dandy microscope, you'll find way less of those little guys than in other people's houses.
I'm just weird that way.
I was attempting to cheer up a friend yesterday and I told her this story: I am known to tell the family to take off their shoes at the door, while my three dogs run in and out of the house incessantly (through the dog door), bringing mud and God only knows what else into the house. The dogs jump on the couch, while I'm telling my husband that he should take his shoes off the sofa. My dogs sleep in my bed, under the covers and with their cute little heads on our pillows, but I will tell my daughter to get her dirty feet off my sheets and to not lay her head on my pillow until she's washed her hair. My dogs? They bathe twice a year, not counting the tongue baths they give one another every 3 hours. Perhaps I need therapy. :-) My friend laughed. Mission accomplished. I'm insane and good for a laugh - at least once in a while!
Just thinking out loud....
1 comment:
Lots to think about here! Good post!
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