I have to say, I am extremely blessed to have the friends that I have in my life. Even though some are not really "friends" (as I think this word is over-used....kinda like the word "love"), they are more like my new word describes, "fraquaintances" . That is, more than an acquaintance, but not quite someone you would consider a friend. You're friendly. Friends are a bit more special.
I have a few special friends that I see regularly and love their company. One of them I can be completely transparent with, and that is rare. Our families do a lot together, our husbands like one another....what more could I ask for? She has helped me with so many things in my life, to make it better, I just couldn't thank her enough. I love her like a sister.
I have another friend, one that I am still getting to know better, and I've known for years. She is so knowledgeable, I am always learning from her. She is passionate, loves debating and discussing topics that I wouldn't dare discuss with some people I know. She allows me to reach beyond the normal bounds in life. She and I color outside the lines regularly! I wouldn't have it any other way. Her kids are sweet, gentle and just all around great kids. Her husband is a diamond in the rough.
Then there are the tried and true friends. I have a friend that I don't see all that often. We just pick up wherever we left off. We don't live too close to one another, but make it a priority to get together once in a while so we cab just talk, talk, talk. Playing catch-up mostly. She's a gem. I learn a lot from this friend. (I'm sensing a theme here) I can be pretty transparent with this friend too...or at least I think I can. I think I'm more inclined to tell the first friend that I mentioned those deep, dark thoughts because we see one another more often, and like the first friend this friend can be trusted to love me no matter what I say. I think that is one of the great things about her. I've been friends with her for about 14 years now. I can't believe it's been that long! We've had dreams of many sorts throughout the years but it wouldn't matter to me if they were to ever come true. I'm glad she's in my life.
I have to tell a little story. The friend of 14 years knew me before I became a born-again Christian. She saw all the ugliness in me and the transformation. I think it was huge. I should ask her one day what she saw. But I digress.... After accepting Jesus into my heart and my life, I prayed and prayed for friends that were Christians to fellowship with. My church had young people, but none that we connected with. We hung out or got together, but it was on a shallow level. Nothing deep or meaningful. I craved people in my life that would pray with me. I craved people in my life that would pray for me and people who would ask me to pray for them. I craved people who no longer had beer and Hooters as their main focus (not that beer, or the food at Hooters is a bad thing!). You know what I mean, right? Well, around the same time, we decided to homeschool. Now, prior to this, I was used to being the outcast or black sheep, if you will, in my circle of friends and family. Homeschooling didn't help! In some ways though, God answered my prayers. I met a whole bunch of "weird" (like me) people in the homeschooling community. Some of those relationships have petered out a bit, but we remain "friendly". I was blessed to have had those during that difficult time. Six years later and I have friends like those I highlighted above, and more. That's why I consider myself extremely blessed!
Friends by Bette Midler
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