I know - that title is a mouthful. I just heard it on the rerun of Glenn Beck (FNC). It's really, really late, so I'll have to update this later, when I can actually think clearly. It's almost 3am, but I had to blog a bit about this.
Glenn is at The Alamo, San Antonio, Texas where they are having a TEA Party!! Yeah! I wish Jason Castro was there! In case you have no clue what I am talking about, people across the nation have gathered at their federal buildings, capitals, etc. to protest the craziness -- most specifically, the tax craze. TEA is an acronym for Taxed Enough Already.
I wanted to go. There was a rally in Lapeer County and also in Lansing, but I was thinking of going to the Lapeer County one. I never made it. That is why I'm watching the news (the only one who would dare to cover it) - Fox News, to see what happened. So far I caught a bit of Hannity's coverage, Greta's coverage and now Glenn's coverage. I'm here for Glenn though, truth be told.
So, Glenn mentions at this rally that it's not about being a democrat. It's not about the GOP. It's about BOTH George W. Bush and Barack Obama spending, spending, spending. Too much money being spent! We're printing the stuff left and right. Glenn says he can't understand why people want to make this a party issue. Party, as in the elephant and the donkey. Deomcrats and republicans. It's not. It's a people issue. It's a rights issue. It's going back to our Founding Fathers issue. The mainstream media won't cover this. They think it's a GOP rally. Whaaaaat?? (now I sound like Randy Jackson on American Idol)
I say all of you need to stretch your rigid minds and think outside that two-party system box!! I've been saying for a while now, Ron Paul would have been ideal, but heck, no one listened. Perhaps they'll listen now.
starry starry night....
Other than causing me to sing, what the heck are you talking about, dear husband??? I usually get you, but this time I'm lost. :-)
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