My daughter wakes up and says, "Happy Earth Day!". She's so cheerful, it pains me to be so negative. It's not that I don't support our planet. It's not that I think we shouldn't care about it. It's that the Left has gone so far off the deep end with their attempts to pass laws under the guise of helping our planet, it sickens me. It makes me want to go out and buy a Suburban, just to tick them off. Whooo! Am I getting rebellious in my old(er) age.
What ever could I be talking about? Well, this so-called Global Warming for one thing. I mean, COME ON! Global Warming is nothing more than a trend. Something that will change over time to Global Cooling that someone named Sal Bore will produce a DVD about and tell everyone it's the end of the world because of it if we don't change our ways. (and get more government money) It's nothing more than a theory, like Darwinism....that those who don't bother to think will just believe cuz someone said so. I despise that sort of thing. Oh, and by the way....what do the "experts" on Global Warming say about our unusually cold temps? It's Global Warming, of course! How does that compute? I'd be embarrassed to even utter those words to justify the cold temps.
The idea of the Smart Grid is one such thing that was inspired by environmentalists. I mean, stuff like this makes me want to run screaming in the other direction. It's no wonder there are those of us out there that seemingly want to destroy our planet by mowing on ozone action days and burning our trash. They don't want to do that, it's just that they believe like I do that it's a farce. A scare tactic. I find it funny that because the mainstream media is mostly far-left, people who read or listen to them will believe them. Oh, cuz Katie Couric said so, right? Uhg. I'm so not a fan.
I totally agree with you. The newspaper made a bigger deal out of earth day then Easter!
It's Ginny by the way, I don't have a google account!
Hey Ginny! I heard about that on the radio the other day. What a shame, huh?
Yep, that's where I heard it too, gotta love Bob Dutko!!!
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