Thursday, March 5, 2009

American Idol's Season 8, Top 36 - Group 2

So I slacked a little. I didn't give my opinions of last week's Group 2. I think that was because it was unremarkable for the most part. But,for the benefit of my readers, here goes:

Before I get into commenting on the finalists, I have to say that I have observed some really weird things this year and I'm not so happy about them. It's just really chaotic. First, the judges cannot figure out how they are going to sit or how they are going to give their comments (the order in which they do that). I liked it better when Simon was last and he either agreed with the rest of the judges or disagreed. It seemed more interesting that way. IDK, something small, but I noticed and I'm sure you did too. I also noticed that Ryan mixed it up from the first week, where they spoke with the contestant's family just prior to their performance. This week, they kept the families in the audience and did the blurbs about them on the big screen. I really don't care one way or the other, I would just like some consistency. It appears as though AI doesn't really know what they are doing this year and that's sad to me.

I can't even figure out how the Wild Card night is going to look. Once, I heard someone on AI say that they would be selecting 12 cast-offs to re-perform and then they would decide three from that. Then I hear they are going to select one from each night to make up the three and there won't be any more performances from them. Make up my mind, you know?

Okay, so the first contestant in Group 2 was Jasmine Murray. I think Jasmine tried too hard to be something she wasn't. I like her, but her song choice just wasn't her. She sang Sara Bareille's "Love Song", which I like, but again, not for her. She can't hit the low notes and the beginning of the song was horrible.

Our own Michigan's Matt Giraud was kind of a disappointment. I was waiting for the bluesy style he did so well in Hollywood Week, when he sang Ray Charles' "Georgia". Instead, he performed something that was totally not his style by Coldplay -- "Viva la Vida". He didn't make it and I think that was why.

Jeanine Vailes' song choice, once again, left something to be desired. I don't know what I would have liked to see her sing, since I had no clue who the heck she was! They showed nothing of her in previous weeks and I didn't even know she made the top 36 until the Group 2 night. Jeanine sang Maroon 5's "This Love". All I kept thinking about was when Blake Lewis did it a few years ago and how well he did.

I have to say that I think Idol really has a lot of influence over who makes it and who doesn't, just by allowing a lot (or none at all) of "face time" each week for each of the contestants. This is disappointing too because we, the fans, like to think that we have most of the control over who succeeds and who doesn't. They really do like to amp up the drama (which they did brilliantly this year), in a desperate attempt to get more viewers. What about us faithful? If you are anywhere on the boards, you will realize that those of us who are AI diehards are really struggling with all the stunts AI has been performing for ratings. Could the changes be because Nigel Lythgoe is gone?

Okay, so on with my critique of the finalists:

Nick Mitchell aka Norman Gentle was up next. He is a riot! I struggle each week with wanting to see more of what he would do, but then, I felt like if he went through another round, it may just be making a mockery of the actual singing the contestants were there for. Yet, he can sing! I do hope he gets noticed by someone and gets a gig somewhere. The only thing that bothered me is that he would always do the same song. It was beginning to get old. I wanted to see something new from him, even if it was ridiculously funny and not at all serious. Norman, I like you, but I'm glad you didn't make it through. Sorry buddy.

Allison Iraheta, the dyed redhead, did pretty well. She reminded me of a cross between Gina Glockson (season 6 and one of my husband's favs) and Amanda Overmyer with her raspy voice. I liked her a bit more than Amanda though, as she wasn't too niche-y. She seemed to be a little more well-rounded in her style. I think it was good she went through. Allison sang a Heart song - "Alone". Seemed appropriate for her.

Though Kris Allen did well in his vocals, I didn't think he was all that memorable. Obviously I was wrong, or the votes wouldn't have gotten him through. Kris sang "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson. At first, when I heard he was going to do Michael, I got nervous because the judges are always saying not to "touch" songs like that, but I think he pulled it off.

Megan Corkrey was the cutest thing ever. I love her style (hippie-ish), her voice (jazzy) and just - her (fun). I had hoped she got through, but she didn't :-( . Perhaps she will be one of the Crazy Cards, Wild Cards, Whatever Cards. I just want to see her again! Oh, and for those of you who didn't see her, she sang "Put Your Records On" by Corinne Baily Rae.

And then there's Matt Breitzke. Though I love the guy and I think he's a sweetheart, I think he's boring as an artist. This week Matt sang Tonic's "If You Can Only See", which is a song I really like, but it was nothing special in my opinion. Now, this is coming from someone who likes the entire package. His vocals seem to be spot on, but I suck at that anyway, so I can't be sure they really were. Whenever the judges tell a contestant that they were "pitchy", I don't always hear it. That's why I don't sing!

Jesse Langseth was an interesting one. I loved her rendition of "Betty David Eyes" by Kim Carnes but her personally, I'm not sure about. She is a typical sassy red head (Yes, I'm stereotyping - sue me). That may just prove to be interesting in coming weeks, if she had made it through. She didn't. Perhaps she will be a wild card.

Kai Kalama aka Sayid (ABC's Lost). Sayid, oh, I mean Kai sang "What Becomes of a Brokenhearted?" by Jimmy Ruffin. He sang it well (though I found his facial expressions to be a bit distracting) and I like the song, but it wasn't contemporary enough or showed who he was. Now I sound like Kara. Anyway, I think Simon's comment about being a "good backup singer" did him in and that's why he didn't go on. Wild card? Maybe.

Mishavonna Henson. What a pretty name. I loved her dress. That's about it though. I don't really remember her performance and had to go back for a reminder in order to write this about her. She sang "Drops of Jupiter" by Train. Her vocals were good. Really good in fact, but it was not memorable for me.

Adam Lambert hit it out of the park according to the judges. I knew he would even if it was a bit too theatrical. I'm not so keen on his style, but he's cute in his own way and I wish him the best. I hope he doesn't get the AI title, simply because it's not my thing AND I think he is a bit too much of an actor and not a musician, but whatever happens, happens. Right? Oh, and he sang The Stone's "I Can't Get No Satisfaction". I have to say though that I can't help but to think that there is some manipulation on the judges part. I felt this way when I saw the extreme excitement that they portrayed when he was finished. It didn't feel real. It was overdone. IDK. Maybe that's just me.

My dear, dear Jason Castro, from last season's AI (white dreadlocked boy who came in 4th) was supposed to perform his new song Wednesday for the results show (like Brooke White and Michael Johns/Carly Smithson did the previous two weeks) but they couldn't fit him in. It was the Wild Card portion that took up the extra time. I should boycott AI for that one (okay, I won't) but we better see him soon!!!

To summarize: The three that ended up going through were: Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta.

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