Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Animal Farm - Government control run amok -- Starring Big Brother Barack

Taking a break for some serious discussion. To some of you this may seem like science fiction or just plain craziness. No, I'm not a paranoid schizophrenic. I'm informed. And the more informed I become, the more I wish I were a paranoid schizophrenic.

What could I be talking about? Well, you may already be aware of the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) that I have spoken about in years past. In very simple terms, this is the government's control over what type of animals you can have, buy, sell, produce, etc. As of March 1, 2007, in my home state of Michigan, cows were required to be microchipped and your property (if you own cows) was required to be "registered". The registration is essentially a global coordinate to your home. That means they can use an updated, daily version of Google Earth to spy on you if they want to.

Then there's the spying that goes on with microchipping your favorite products, also known as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). Gillette has been the leader of this wave of intrusion into our lives by voluntarily chipping a few of it's products (the last I heard, anyway) like your razors, so they can keep track of purchases, and you. Why can't they do this by inventory slips at WalMart? I have no clue. And it's happening right under your nose.

As if all that is not enough for you, there is the RFID microchipping of our State ID, also known as your driver's license. May of 2008 was when it supposedly went into effect for Michigan. I had to renew my license then, but saw hide nor hair of this in my new ID, at the Secretary of State office or in any of their literature. Eventually you will not be able to fly, take a train or enter a federal building without one. How's that for control?

Now we have the Smart Grid. The Smart Grid is much like the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) that I previously mentioned. The President (not mine, mind you) has deemed this spying so necessary, that it is to be funded with the Stimulus Package, which is supposed to go for emergencies only. The Smart Grid program will be implemented within 60 days of the bill passing. What it does is gather info about individual energy use by using embedded sensors in businesses and homes. IBM and GE will be the two highest paid companies to benefit from the Smart Grid. Essentially the government will be collecting information about you, your habits and your possessions. According to this article, it's already happening in South Bend, Indiana, Florida and California.

Up until now I was thinking that us rural folk will be able to get away with more, since the city is where the most control seems to be focused on. Well, apparently I'm wrong. I envision eventually putting up camoflaged tents over my property so that satellites can't see what I'm doing or what I have on my land. I envision going off grid so that the Smart Grid can't monitor me and my household....how much we shower, what we eat, how much we eat and how long I spend in the bathroom. Oh, and did I mention how high you keep your thermostat? Does this sound like something you want to be a part of? Well, keep researching (And don't stop at the over-simplified explanations on Wikipedia linked to above and other sites in favor of it. They are getting paid a pretty penny to speak highly of it.) because this is what your current president wants rushed through with the stimulus package. Oh yes. Barack Obama. The beginning of the end.

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