Ah, my dear, sweet Jason with the baby blues.
Let's see if I have a pic of him that I like best.....

Okay, so it's the one I like the best, that I could get on here. You see, my computer crashed and all my good pics are in a different format. I can't access them on the super slow, crappy computer. It doesn't have Vista.
Annnnyyywaaaay, I have soooo many great pics and funneez to share with you, to honor Jason and my obsession with, that I don't know if I can possibly fit them all in one blog. We'll see!
Here is a pic that sums up my obsession quite well.....

In case it's too hard to read, here is what it says: Castroholicism - Symptoms include (but are not limited to): sleeplessness, sore thumbs, increased knowledge of modern technology and hair care, empty wallet syndrome, internet dependence, chronic thudding, heightened pantz awareness and a stong desire to be this man's everything.
I don't know why this pic turned out like it did. It's not like this in my files, but here it is, all messed up. Too bad too. He's singing Hallelujah (the Jeff Buckley version) here. I have another one that's not messed up:

Ahhh, that's better! I love a man in worship and I certainly think that was on his mind when he was singing this song. He does both hand-raising moments during great parts of the song, that would be a worship-like moment. Just another reason I fell in love with him. I think this was about the time during season 7 when I realized that he was a Christian. Too many things he was doing started to add up.

Have you ever seen LOLCatz? They are funny pics of kitties that people put funny captions to. They have a lot of silly wording and Jason's funny pics were no exception. His mom, Betsy, on the Castro Message Boards I was on would laugh hysterically over some of them. She really enjoyed reading what the fans were doing. Did I ever tell you about the discussion her and I got into about parenting??? Hmmm, 'nother time perhaps.
Anyway, the preceding picture is one of my favs. The captions are just a bonus. I have the pic with captions and without. Putting pictures on here is a pain, so I thought I'd just post the one. I really love this pic.

He looks older with his hair down and not pulled back, like they seemed to really like doing when he was on AI. I like him that way too, but he looks, shall I say, sexier and older with it down.

Doesn't that just crack you up??? I love Paula, but I suspect she has some serious issues with either drugs or alchohol. Perhaps both. As the season goes on, she gets goofier and goofier.

That was so me too. I went to the American Idol top 10 show in Detroit with my good friend Kim. It was a blast! We waited before the show at the buses at about noon. We were there for about 4 or 5 hours, waiting for the Idols to arrive. We met a lot of them, but not Jason. :-( I got lots of signatures and a picture with me and Chikezie. That was great. I like him a lot too. Never even got a glimpse of Jason. He had to do press that week, which is what they all rotated doing and were obligated to do. I ended up going to Grand Rapids with Mary and her daughter and her daughter's friend, to wait at the buses there. The girls got to see who they were there for (David Archuleta) and got his signature and all that jazz. Did I see Jason? Yes. Did he come and talk to us, sign stuff, etc? NO! I was so bummed. He got off the bus and walked away, talking on the cell phone. He didn't look good that day. Seemed like he was not feeling well or something, but we were so bummed. I hung out (at both locations) with a bunch of crazy women like me who were just dying to see him. Some of them again. One woman was the one who was behind the idea to do Date Night with a setting of a table and menu. Unfortunately it ended up a huge fiasco with feelings hurt and all that jazz. I liked it though. It was creative and fun. She pulled the video of behind-the-scenes of that Date Night, which bummed me out because I thought that made it more real and I enjoyed it. She was supposed to send me a copy of it, and never did.
Jason was known for not being very good at interviews. He got much better, but I think it added to his charm. He really didn't like doing them at first, but I think he has warmed up to it now. He's not the kind of guy who likes a lot of the focus on him. He just wants to do his music. That's what it's all about!

The Pantzzzzz were a big hit on Castrocopia.com. I love that blog and site, even with all the swears. The girlz there are HILARIOUS! They did a lot of these LOLz. I wish I could give credit to those that did them, but some of them don't have anything in the corner, indicating who created the LOLz. This one does. I would like to give credit to those whose hilarious brains made up da funniez. I didn't create any of the ones in this blog.

One of the things that was very common and poor Jason had to endure time after time, was questions about his dreads. It was really redundent. He was gracious though, but we felt for him. That's where the previous LOLz came from. Seemed that the interviewers couldn't come up with something a little different to ask and it got old - quick.

That one cracks me up because it is SO true! I think this is one thing that most Jason fans have in common....he unexpectedly won us over with the Purdy-ness! :-)

If you don't know who Legolas is, he was played by the ever-so-cute Orlando Bloom in Lord of the Rings. Oooh, another sweet face, that Orlando. (oh, sorry.....this is about Jason, isn't it?) Do you sense a mid-life crisis coming on?

Isn't that funny??? A wallet. Yep, that's me. I want to be Jason's wallet. Better yet, his pantz. Who said that??????
And last, but certainly not least:

Awwwww! Baby Jason and his beautiful eyes.
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