Okay, so a lot has been said about the contestants this year and I don't agree with all of it. I will say, I have not heard one person say something about Tatiana Del Toro that I didn't agree with! She's such a flake and a fake. I have a difficult time just looking at her because I'm so embarrassed for her. Sad.
For those of you who are remotely interested and have not been keeping up like the die hard fan that I am, I will fill you in on the basics.
They mixed things up a little over there at American Idol. Why? Who knows. This year, instead of a top 24, they have a top 36 and are separating them in groups of 12 each week, eliminating 9 each time. They are keeping the highest voted male, highest voted female and the next in line for highest votes. Three in all each week. Confusing.
Group 1 (first set of 12): Tuesday was performance night and Wednesday was results night. On Tuesday we saw Jackie Tohn, Anoop Desai, the infamous drama queen Tatiana Del Toro, Stevie Wright, Casey Carlson, Stephen Fowler, Alexis Grace, Ricky Braddy, Michael Sarver, Anne Marie Boskovich, Brent Keith and the Robert Downey Jr. look-alike Danny Gokey.
Jackie was first up and even though her vocals weren't all that, I did like her performance. She was fun to watch and it definately made up for the vocal.
Ricky Braddy was next. His vocals were great, but his performance was forgettable, as the judges would say. I didn't care for it. It's a package deal, when you come right down to it.
I don't recall who came next, but it was mostly downhill from there. Stevie Wright is so cute and I wanted her to do well, but it was a poor song choice. It made her look dorky.
Anoop Dog was okay. I like him, but the performance wasn't really memorable. There's still the Wild Card thing that I'm still not so sure I understand. What it means is the ones who are eliminated from each group of 12 still have a chance to come back and be included in the top 12. So, I guess that means that there willb e three Wild Cards, huh? Is Anoop one of them?
Casey Carlson bombed out on that song choice. She picked Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, by the Police. I LOVE that song, but it was so blaaaah! She stayed in one tight little spot, singing in a bland way. I like her but she has to go.
OH! I forgot Alexis Grace! How could I?? She was AWESOME. I love her and her style. I think she will go far in this competition.
Michael Sarver, though he made it through, was not all that. I was actually surprised he made it.
Danny Gokey sang Mariah Carey's Hero. I love Mariah, so this was a good choice in my opinion! :-) Anyway, who can blog without mentioning Danny? He was criticized on someone's blog for several things. One, it was mentioned that he was being pretty shallow when Tatiana lost and he won (they were standing together, waiting for Ryan to give the results). What I think happened is that Danny was as put off by her previous antics as the rest of us were and was afraid to hug her or get too close to her. I felt his pain. I would be the same, I think. Torn between wanting to comfort and not wanting to appear too sympathetic to The Strange One. Who wants to be associated with someone who is that unpredictable anyway? We'll be seeing more of him, so the truth about whether or not he's as self-centered as some may think will come out in time. My bet is he's not. As for his glasses....well, I think that AI will polish up his look and make him look shnazzier than he does already. Heck, look what they did for David Cook? I didn't care for this week's white spectacles choice, but that's okay. He has more, I'm sure. Perhaps he will wear a different pair each week. I still like him, his music, his voice and everything so far.
As for the rest of the contestants that I did not mention, they were either unforgettable in their performance/song choice or I just didn't like them. I'd really rather not dwell on the negative.
Who made it through on Wednesday's results show? Danny Gokey (of course), Michael Sarver and Alexis Grace.
My fear is that I will like no one like I liked (loved?) Jason Castro of last year's AI. I've become totally Cougarized with that boy! That's a whole 'nother blog about reliving my teen years. There has to be group therapy for people like me somewhere, right??
Next week's Group 2 finalists are: Megan Corkrey, Kris Allen, Matt Breitzke, Allison Iraheta, Mishavonna Henson, Kai Kalama, Nick Mitchell (aka Norman Gentle), Matt Giraud (from Michigan), Jasmine Murray, Jesse Langseth, Adam Lambert and Jeanine Vailes.
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