Thursday, January 29, 2009

It's been a while

A lot has happened since I posted last.

My husband thought he lost his job. That was a little stressful. It made me realize all my rantings over my own job is kinda stupid. In fact, I thought about deleting those posts, because I am suddenly embarrassed to have been spouting off like that, even though I truly felt that way. It just seems dumb to me now. Oh well. That's me!

So during the moments following what my husband and I thought were his work demise, I left my laptop for a moment to collect myself and came back moments later to a water bottle that was tipped over onto the keyboard of my laptop. Now, because this is a laptop, it fried the whole thing! My stupid kitty did that. She can't pass up a water bottle, don'tcha know?

I have also been working on this spaghetti dinner fundraiser for Kayla's school. I'm the chair person and panicking because there are only a few on the committee who are doing anything. Praise God for them! I don't know what I would do otherwise! It's a lot more work than I anticipated. That's what stinks about being an optimist. I
always underestimate a situation! Like, I think it will take less time to cook the spaghetti or set up for the dinner than it actually will. It's coming up on the 7th, so I had better be able to get all of the donations from local restaurants and such, really soon! It will be nice when this one is over! :-D

I fear this blog isn't going to be terribly exciting. Work is slow, I have a lot of time on my hands. I'll have to blog more regularly. I have a lot to say, but I never seem to be able to get to the computer when I want to. I plan on changing that soon. So, we'll see.

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