Gianna Jessen is an abortion survivor. Her biological mother attempted to abort her 7 1/2 months into her pregnancy. What she had done is called a saline abortion, which should have burned her alive, inside and out, in her mother's womb. After 18+ hours of being subjected to this saline solution, she should have been delivered dead by the abortionists. Instead, she was born alive. If Barack Obama has his way, Gianna would have been left to die, or she would have been suffocated, strangled or in some other way killed by the abortion doctor. If this doesn't cause you to be outraged, there is something seriously wrong with my delivery of this information or with your emotions.
As you will see in the video of the Hannity & Colmes Show (below), Obama voted 4 times to allow the baby to die. He actually stated in an interview that the original intent of the mother and doctor should be carried out. That means, he thinks the baby should be killed if the abortion fails, like what happened to Gianna Jessen.
I read Gianna's book by Jessica Shaver years ago, and it was really an eye-opener.
Here we have the interview on Hannity and Colmes:
I can't go on with the subject of the horrific practice of abortion without telling you that in some states, it is legal to abort during all 9 months of a pregnancy. After a certain point in the pregnancy, when the baby is viable outside of the womb, there is something they do called partial-birth abortion. As if abortion at any time weren't bad enough, this practice allows the doctor to go in with forceps, grab the baby by the leg and pull the baby out except for his/her head. At the base of the skull the abortionist will puncture the baby's head with scissors and open them to widen the hole. The abortionist will then stick a tube into the hole and suck out the baby's brains. The abortionist will then deliver the rest of the baby. This is infanticide at it's worst, only being legal by a technicality...that being that the baby isn't completely delivered, so they can still call it abortion. It is reprehensible!
If the Jewish community is appalled by the holocaust on it's people (which they rightly should be), then they should stop voting for democrats and republicans that support this horrible holocaust on the youngest in our human race! The same is true for the black community. More than 90% of the abortion clinics are set up in their neighborhoods, killing off all of the black babies in this world. That should be something to hang your hat on, not whether or not the person running for office has the same amount of melanine in their skin as you!
What is wrong with people that they can justify this in their heads????? I mean, really. How deceived we must be. Or perhaps it's a brainwash thing - brainwashed into politcal correctness and going with the crowd. I jumped off that bus a long time ago.
If you have trouble with this because you have had an abortion yourself, there IS forgiveness from the One who can give it. Jesus Christ. Our God is an awesome God and as the song goes, He Reigns!!! Please consider giving your life to Him, the only One who can save us from this sinful world. I have my hope in Him and don't know where I'd be had I chosen otherwise.
God had His eyes on me before I was saved, I can tell you that.
Here is my own story:
When I was in my early 20s, I was not living a very good lifestyle. I was going to bars, flirting with anyone and seeking something to believe in. I was going with a guy who, when I tried to break off the relationship, he tried to kill me.
I then met someone new. He was so nice and kind to me. He was 4 years younger than I but he didn't look it or act it. We smoked some pot together. We did a lot of things together! I got pregnant after the first time. Now, previously I had been struggling with 4 years of urinary tract infections. The urologist told me that I had a lot of scar tissue and that I would most likely not be able to have babies. The pot-smoking guy I was with also should not have had any viable sperm (or very little), as marijuana is known to lower sperm count tremendously-especially when you smoke daily for two years straight as he did. We also used contraceptives. I got pregnant anyway.
At this time of my life, right before I got pregnant, I was searching for something. Something I could sink my teeth into. Something to believe in. I was stealing books on witchcraft from local bookstores. I was fantasizing about shaving my head, getting an ivy tattoo across my skull and changing my name to Ivy. I wanted to travel the country with some friends, including my new guy, in a VW bus and working odd jobs.
Then I got pregnant.
Wow, did that change things fast!
Though I was not a born-again Christ-follower, I did believe that abortion was wrong. I had a crap job and no way in sight, but being the ever optimist, I chose to keep my baby. It was suggested that I abort, as single parenthood is hard, but I was determined.
Life was hard. Not only because I ended up on state aid for most of my pregnancy and until my son was 11 months old, but because my "guy" ended up not being so responsible. He was still a "nice guy" with good intentions, but had a lot of issues and messed-up priorities. Let's just say rims for his car or a new sound system came before the water/gas bills and his son.
When my son was still a toddler, I began working in a factory that made windows for sunrooms. I worked the afternoon shift. My manager for the night crew was a Christian and he went to church each Sunday morning, Sunday evening and on Wednesday evenings. He offered to take anyone to church Wednesday nights (we extended our lunch hour a bit and made up for it later in the week), if they so desired. I asked a lot of questions, as I was still seeking. What really impressed me was that he did not pretend to know the answers I asked. He told me he knew there was an answer, but that he would need to find out. I liked that a lot. At that time though, I did not believe the bible to be true. One day, I asked my manager what I needed to do to join them at church. He was ecstatic! I went, and the rest is history. It did take a while, but I learned so much and the Holy Spirit worked in me. I eventually believed in the bible, but not because of anything anyone said. It wasn't an intellectual thing. It was a God thing! Hallelujah!
I digress. It's safe to say that I chose life. It would have been much less embarrassing, much more convenient and probably a smoother life for me had I aborted. But then, I would not have had the joy and honor of raising a son who is extremely honest, smart, adorable, cute, witty, funny, interesting and just a joy to have around. I can't imagine my life without him.
I have since become a born-again, bible-believing, Jesus-following Christian. I married, adopted a 7 year old girl, bought a house, homeschool and generally love my life. Life certainly has changed for me! Praise God!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
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