Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Best Video in a Long Time!
I would love to be surprised like this:
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Give Me Your Eyes
I thought I would post a song that I have loved for quite a while. I post the video, not because it's anything special (this one's rather boring), but because I can embed this one. The one that is an actual video, won't let me embed it here. It's the song and lyrics that matter anyway, right? See lyrics below.
Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes
Looked down from a broken sky
Traced out by the city lights
My world from a mile high
Best seat in the house tonight
Touched down on the cold black top
Hold on for the sudden stop
Breathe in the familiar shock
Of confusion and chaos
All those people going somewhere,
Why have I never cared?
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see
Step out on a busy street
See a girl and our eyes meet
Does her best to smile at me
To hide what's underneath
There's a man just to her right
Black suit and a bright red tie
Too ashamed to tell his wife
He's out of work
He's buying time
All those people going somewhere
Why have I never cared?
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see
I've Been there a million times
A couple of million eyes
Just moving passed me by
I swear I never thought that I was wrong
Well I want a second glance
So give me a second chance
To see the way you see the people all along
Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see
Monday, May 18, 2009
My breath fogged up the glass, so I drew a new face and laughed
Why am I writing about this? I'm thinking about how odd I seem to be to others. I always knew I was "different", but until recently I didn't realize just how "odd". I'm sure some don't see me that way, as they are probably just as "odd". I celebrate my oddness, but now I want to understand it! :-) People are usually too nice to tell you what they really think, so I have only had small glimpses here and there over the years. I'm now officially 39 years old and I think I need to know what and how I appear. It's about time, dontcha think?
Kids go through phases where they try things out. They pierce everything, they dye their hair purple, cut it weird and wear strange clothing. I didn't do all of that when I was growing up. I refused to do something to declare myself strange or to fit in. Perhaps that in and of itself is strange. I like to think so. Being YOU is a good way to be strange, especially in the public school setting. I was still trying to figure out who I was. I still am. Now my goal is to figure out how others are seeing me and my unique thought processes. Some just don't like me. Probably because they can't figure me out. I'm okay with that. I wish they took the time to figure me out, but hey, I'm not going to be something I'm not for their sake. I think some get frustrated with me because they give me more credit than I deserve. Like, being sarcastic or manipulating someone or something. I don't do that. (okay, I am sarcastic sometimes, but not all the time).
I think life is best when you think outside the box. Color outside the lines. I LOVE that. I didn't consider myself rebellious as a child, but as an adult I'm bucking the system all the time. In fact, I feel it's our duty to question things. That's how we learn. That's how we grow. I'm not talking about being disrespectful to others. Just ask questions.
I "met up" on Facebook with some people I went to grade school with. That has really shown me how much I have changed. I wrote to an old highschool friend, from 9th grade, and I freaked her out with my life story. I haven't heard from her since. I'm not offended, just confused as to how I could turn out so differently.
What's really funny about all this is, I see myself and motivations so differently from how others apparently see me. I see myself as being intellectually honest. I think of myself as curious and always wanting to learn. I see myself as open and transparent. All of this has led me to a different way of seeing politics, religion, relationships, people, everything.
Using the words of a new favorite speaker in the homeschool community, Todd Wilson: "It's hard but it's GOOD!"
Since I brought up Jason Mraz, here are two of my favorite songs from his recent album that I treated myself to for my birthday.
A goofy Jason Mraz singing "I'm Yours" (aol sessions studio version):
The official video for "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and featuring Colbie Caillat:
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
US Patriot Act Used Against Homeschooler
On March 5, 2009, at 10pm, Federal and local agents, about 12 or 13 in all, stormed the Lundeby home in North Carolina with a search warrant and arrested a 16 year old boy. They took Ashton Lundeby's computer, some personal belongings, searched the home and took Ashton too. He's been gone for two months and his mom hasn't been able to see him but a few times. Ashton is a terrorist. Or so they say. There is a gag order, so no information is going to be given out regarding this, other than he is being charged with making a bomb threat from his home computer. His mom, Annette, claims someone hacked into her son's computer and made bomb threats using Ashton's IP Address. She can't defend him because the Patriot Act keeps a person from due process, trumping our Constitution.
World Net Daily reported on this, along with the following YouTube news video:
Please pray for this family. Pray that we can change these laws that allow our government to just stomp all over our rights.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
American Idol's Season 8, Rat Pack Standards, top 5
Tonight's Mystery Mentor is...........Jamie Foxx!
Randy: "Looking to see who's in it to win it." "This is your best performance to date."
Kara: "Tonight you have set the technical standard so high." "You are truly a dark horse in this competition."
Paula: "Contemporary crooner"
Simon: "It was a little bit wet" (whaaaat?) "I didn't think it was incredible." "It was good." (a few mixed messages, huh Simon?)
Randy: "You sing like Pink but with 9,000 more octaves. I loved it"
Kara: "I ain't nervous for you any more!" "You are not a one-trick pony. Just a rock chick!"
Paula: "I have been waiting so long to hear how you'd do a ballad" "I'm really proud of you"
Simon: "Do you think you can win the competition at this stage?" Simon commented that he doesn't think she has the confidence or believes that she can do it. "A great performance." "I have a horrible feeling you could be in trouble tonight."
Randy: "Probably one of the hardest songs ever" "A little pitchy" "Didn't quite come together"
Kara: "I didn't feel you were emotionally connected to it".
Paula: "Pure, simple and really impressive"
Simon: "I'm going to have to disagree with -----------------Randy." (wow!) "Nat King Cole type of phrasing"
Randy: "You are the only one I heard so far tonight who could have an album"
Kara: "The end of that performance was the most creative"
Paula: "Stellar performance"
Simon: "A swagger and confidence" "What Jamie's brought out, particularly in you tonight, is incredible"
Wow, they liked it too!
Randy: "I'm sounding like a broken record" "You're in the zone consistently. A little theatrical. A little too drama-filled."
Kara: Regarding the song choice she tells us she was thinking, "Is he really doing that?" "I like you" "You're shocking. In a good way." "Craziness". (she loves him)
Paula: "Words cannot describe......" "You make me feel better than good"
Simon: "I love Randy talking about you being theatrical. It's like complaining that a cow moos." "Winning is important. You want to win. That's why I like your showmanship."
Until tomorrow America!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I have to say, I am extremely blessed to have the friends that I have in my life. Even though some are not really "friends" (as I think this word is over-used....kinda like the word "love"), they are more like my new word describes, "fraquaintances" . That is, more than an acquaintance, but not quite someone you would consider a friend. You're friendly. Friends are a bit more special.
I have a few special friends that I see regularly and love their company. One of them I can be completely transparent with, and that is rare. Our families do a lot together, our husbands like one another....what more could I ask for? She has helped me with so many things in my life, to make it better, I just couldn't thank her enough. I love her like a sister.
I have another friend, one that I am still getting to know better, and I've known for years. She is so knowledgeable, I am always learning from her. She is passionate, loves debating and discussing topics that I wouldn't dare discuss with some people I know. She allows me to reach beyond the normal bounds in life. She and I color outside the lines regularly! I wouldn't have it any other way. Her kids are sweet, gentle and just all around great kids. Her husband is a diamond in the rough.
Then there are the tried and true friends. I have a friend that I don't see all that often. We just pick up wherever we left off. We don't live too close to one another, but make it a priority to get together once in a while so we cab just talk, talk, talk. Playing catch-up mostly. She's a gem. I learn a lot from this friend. (I'm sensing a theme here) I can be pretty transparent with this friend too...or at least I think I can. I think I'm more inclined to tell the first friend that I mentioned those deep, dark thoughts because we see one another more often, and like the first friend this friend can be trusted to love me no matter what I say. I think that is one of the great things about her. I've been friends with her for about 14 years now. I can't believe it's been that long! We've had dreams of many sorts throughout the years but it wouldn't matter to me if they were to ever come true. I'm glad she's in my life.
I have to tell a little story. The friend of 14 years knew me before I became a born-again Christian. She saw all the ugliness in me and the transformation. I think it was huge. I should ask her one day what she saw. But I digress.... After accepting Jesus into my heart and my life, I prayed and prayed for friends that were Christians to fellowship with. My church had young people, but none that we connected with. We hung out or got together, but it was on a shallow level. Nothing deep or meaningful. I craved people in my life that would pray with me. I craved people in my life that would pray for me and people who would ask me to pray for them. I craved people who no longer had beer and Hooters as their main focus (not that beer, or the food at Hooters is a bad thing!). You know what I mean, right? Well, around the same time, we decided to homeschool. Now, prior to this, I was used to being the outcast or black sheep, if you will, in my circle of friends and family. Homeschooling didn't help! In some ways though, God answered my prayers. I met a whole bunch of "weird" (like me) people in the homeschooling community. Some of those relationships have petered out a bit, but we remain "friendly". I was blessed to have had those during that difficult time. Six years later and I have friends like those I highlighted above, and more. That's why I consider myself extremely blessed!
Friends by Bette Midler
Friday, April 24, 2009
American Idol's Season 8, Top 7 - again. Performance and results.
Those of you who saw American Idol last week already know that Matt Giraud made the "save" and came back this week. That is why we have two weeks in a row of "Top 7" and will have no Top 6. We're going directly to Top 5. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
This week is Disco week. Ick. I'm not a fan of disco. My mom would have loved this week, if she were still alive. I thought about her a lot. Ahem....anyway....
Lil Rounds started off the night on Tuesday with I'm Every Woman by Chaka Khan. I didn't care for the performance. I felt bad for her because the judges, once again, gave her confusing messages. Oh, except Simon, who told her they wouldn't be seeing her again. What a schmuck. Randy said, "Sounded so wild to me". "You definitely can sing. It still didn't really show, is what kind of artist and what you can do at this point in the competition." Kara said, "All of America has been waiting for you to sing Chaka Khan, and I'm not really sure it was worth the wait". Ouch! "Still didn't tell me who you are as an artist". (I'm sure she's as tired of hearing this as much as I am). Paula talked about how she was on vocal rest the day before and how she gives her credit for being able to sing as well as she did. Simon told her in his most blunt style, when Lil said she had a lot of fun, "I'm glad you had fun because I think this is the last week we're going to see you."
Kris Allen sang "She Works Hard For the Money" by Donna Summer. Okay, I had flash backs of when Jason Castro said he was going to sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". I was like, "whaaaaat??? Ewww!" But, like Castro last season, I LOVED it!!! In fact, I'm surprised the judges didn't say something comparing Kris to Jason. It was so Jason Castro-style, which is why I probably loved it. I have to say, Kris Allen had been flying under the radar most of the season. The only thing I can remember about him is that he is in the music ministry at his church and that he is married because Simon told him it was stupid of him to mention that so early in the season. He just didn't impress me, until now! Here is what the judges said: Randy - "You know who you are. You come out every week and this proves the fact that you are ready for the big time dog." "Amazing". Kara said, "You took a real risk with that arrangement and it paid off BIG TIME!" Paula told Kris, "Had a classy Santana feel to it." She spent some time talking about women shopping in the men's department, but how not too many men shop in the women's department, to which Simon widened his eyes and shrugged his shoulders and apologized to Kris for that comment, that Simon just didn't understand. Simon's comments are "It was original. It was well thought out. That was NOT karaoke. It was a fantastic performance."
Danny Gokey sang an Earth Wind and Fire song, September. It was pretty good. Everyone seems to like Danny. Unfortunately, after Kris's amazing performance, it paled in comparison. I did like his own spin on it. Randy told Danny that he was kinda worried when he heard this was his song choice. (Yeah, you too huh?) "You turned this into something that really worked for you tonight." Kara told him, "I was really worried about you in disco night. Sorta like asking Simon to wear a plaid shirt or something. You are an incredible vocalist. Your pitch is so right on - always. Another solid performance for Danny." Paula's was short and sweet. "I think you have one of the sexiest voices ever." Simon said he "agrees with what everybody else said, but as a performance though, I didn't really get any star power." "The performance was a bit awkward and a bit clumsy." (I didn't get that at all)
Dear young, rocker Allison sand "Hot Stuff" by Donna Summer. As always, awesome vocals! Rocked it out and made it her own. Great job and very much true to her style. Randy disagrees with me though. He said he "didn't love the arrangement. A little over indulgent for me, but you're one of the best singers in this competition." "You can really sing." Kara said that "making it slower kind of hurt the performance but I gotta say, you picked the right song." (I disagree that the comment that slowing it down hurt the performance.) Kara went on to say that "You're one of the BEST singers. From a singing perspective, that was like a 9/10 for me." Paula told her "the word compromise does not even belong in your musical vocabulary." "That last note, you hit it off the charts." Simon told Hot Stuff, "taking everything into account, that was a brilliant performance."
Adam Lambert sang, "If I Can't Have You" from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. He said he wanted to perform something he could connect to emotionally. Wow, did he! That guy is a performer, for sure! He had his hair in that pompadour style again, showing he's pretty versatile. Randy was like, "Dude! I'm telling you something. You are ready right now." "He is a hot one tonight AMERICA!" Kara told Adam, "Adam. You're brilliant. I don't know what else to say." Paula, with a tremble in her voice, told him, "Tonight, you chose to pick a disco song and not make it cliche and up-tempo. I felt your pain. I felt your vulnerability which was beautiful. It's as if you tore your heart out and left it on the stage. You're fascinating. You're brilliant. You're awesome and you will be in the finals." Simon said, "It was original. You're going to remember it. Your vocals were immaculate." And what Simon says, is true! :-)
Matt Giraud sang Staying Alive by the Bee Gees. Pretty good vocals and performance. I would have picked a different song though. It's a funny thing. Matt is becoming disappointing to me. I had higher hopes for him. But where Matt is lacking, Kris Allen is taking over. I'm shocked at that revelation, but happy at the same time. Randy said he "Didn't love the song choice. Didn't love the arrangement, but -- you can really sing dude." Kara told Matt that he "brought disco back." "I like to see you move." "Solid". Paula told him, "you pick songs like I bowl. Sometimes you throw a gutter ball and sometimes you get strikes. This was a strike." Simon, in his typical Simon style told him, "Sorry to put a damper on this, but I actually didn't like that performance." Wow Simon. Really? Why don't you stop beating around the bush so much.
Anoop Desai sang "Dim All The Lights" by Donna Summer. What, is she the only queen of disco? He looked good in his grey suit and dark pink shirt. As always, his vocals were awesome, but it's my opinion that he is just not star quality. I loved the scruff though. Made him look sexy. Randy told Anoop, "you can sing also. Anoop, nice baby. Nice." Kara said "I thought it was a great song choice. For me it sounded like it could actually be on the radio. Your best performances the last 2 weeks." Paula said, "Real men know how to wear pink". "Good job". Simon was typical Eeyore with, "Mediocre at best. It was a horrible version of that song. Worst performance of yours by a mile". Wow, seems to me that they were ready to get rid of Anoop now and wanted to be sure the viewers knew it. Sheesh. I'm ready too, but I totally disagreed with Simon.
I had a taped copy to draw on for the performances, so I could get all my quotes right! (hey, if I weren't such a perfectionist about it, this review would have been done days sooner!) I didn't have that luxary for the results night, so that's all from memory. Those of you who know me are cringing now because my memory stinks! But, I'll do my best.
Well, who could forget that cute little David Archuleta from last season's AI? The girls went crazy in the crowd. As for the eliminations, I wasn't sure how they were going to handle that, but surprise, surprise, they sent Lil home right away. I'm glad it was her. Out of the 7, there were only 2 I wanted to go home. She was one of them.
Paula choreographed the group number, which in my opinion was the best group number thus far. Way to go Paula! She should do all of them.
The last two standing were Anoop and Allison. I was really, really hoping it would be Anoop that went home. Two reasons: I like Allison a lot and think she's a great singer and performer. Anoop, even with his awesome vocals, is no performer and is overdue to go home. Thankfully, after all the waiting and Anoop saying something like, "Let's get on with it Ryan", we find out that Anoop is the one going home.
I hear that with Lil gone, it's the first time in Idol history that there is no black person in the top 5. I also heard that if Allison went home, it would have been the first time there wouldn't be a female in the top 5. I could care less about these statistics. Black, female, black female. Who cares really? There's always a first for everything, right? I would have hated to see Allison go. Not because she's female, but because she is just darned cute and good at what she does!!
Besides the bad singing from some disco-era oldies (Freda Payne singing Band of Gold, Thelma Houston singing Don't Leave Me This Way and KC from KC and the Sunshine Band singing Get Down Tonight), there really isn't anything else to blog about this night.
Next week's theme for the top 5 is Rat Pack Standards. This should be interesting. I think Kris Allen, Danny Gokey and Matt Giraud should do well. This is going to be tough for Allison and maybe, even Adam -- nah!