Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Working at Tractor Supply Co.
Anyway, so I am going to use my blog to gripe and get this out, because I'll tell ya, I'm pretty disappointed by a few things.
First of all, my boss (I'll call him "P"), whom I really haven't had any personal issues with, is annoying to me anyway. I figure if I get it out here, I will be less likely to go off on him at work. Which would be a good thing, dontcha think? ;-D Anyway, he is so two-faced, it's pathetic. He's nice to us when the District Manager is in the store, but then turns into the grouch he usually is when he's gone. I can tell when Brian's in the store. I almost want to say, "Hey "P", Brian must still be here. You're being cordial to me for once". Or something like that. Okay, so maybe I'm being dramatic about this, but I'm a very happy person most days and I hate when people are grouchy for no reason, and they can obviously reign it in, when the right person is there. I mean, crap....if you don't like your job THAT much, find another one....or retire or something. There has to be other options for you. Perhaps not. Hence the grouchiness. IDK.
On the 28th, I was written up --- twice. Oh yeah. On two very different things.
The first write-up was the most severe and I hear I could have lost my job over it. I didn't know I was even doing anything wrong, let alone something that severe!
Here is what happened: I witness all the time, people giving their discount to their girlfriends with manager/team leader knowledge. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. So, right before Christmas, when we were being slammed with a ton of people coming in, three registers running, I told the newer girl (I'll call her "R") to give my friend in her line my discount. She did. I was off a lot during Christmas week, so the next time I came in to buy something, "R" tells me that one of the team leaders (I'll call her "D") was after her about a transaction that supposedly took place on her register, using my discount. It was for dog leashes, dog collars and other various dog stuff that I never purchased. It was noticed because we are only supposed to ring up other team members for $50 and under and this was for $60+ (for over $50, a manager/team leader is supposed to ring us up). I knew I had not purchased those things (and originally "D" said it was on a Friday morning, which "R" doesn't work and I was stuck at home with no car). So, there was a mystery. Quite frankly it really bothered me as I was thinking someone stole "R's" social security number (needed to get into our cash registers) and impersonated me. Then, we found out several days after that, that it was actually on a Saturday. The Saturday that Santa was at the store, taking pics with all the good doggies! So, I kept thinking about it. We finally figured it out. It was the time I said to "R" to give my friends my discount. So, I approached "D" and said, "Mystery is solved!". "I figured out what happened." She waited, and I told her. Her eyes got big and she whispered that I was not supposed to have done that. I said, "I didn't know". If I knew, I may not have told her! I would like to think I am honest enough to do so anyway, but I don't know if I would have. Particularly if I knew my job was in jeopardy, which as it turned out, ultimately was.
So, the next time I came in to work, I punched in and my boss ("P") said, "Come to my office Jen". "D" and my boss, "P" were both there and he gave me "the talk", saying that normally people are fired for this, but because he believes I didn't know and that I didn't do it maliciously (actually, I said that and he said, "that's why I'm only writing you up - this time".) So, that was the beginning of my day. He also told me that the other cashier ("R") would be written up as well, because she should know better than to put through someone's stuff when it is over $5o with a team member's discount. I told him it was all my fault and did he really have to do that, and he said that he did, because she still should have known better. I feel so bad. I don't think, given the circumstances, she should have been written up. Actually, she wasn't that day like expected, so I don't know what's going on.
Then, toward the end of that same day, I managed another one.
Here is that story: I had a customer who called and I was helping. I helped her and her husband alternately on the phone for about 10 minutes. I then began getting customers at my register, so I put them on hold and paged for help with the call. Another 10 minutes goes by and no one comes back to her. I had, one time, come back to her and told her that someone would be with her shortly and she was not forgotten. She eventually hang up and called back. I answered that call too. I had her on hold again, for another 15 minutes or so. I kept calling every couple of minutes, but no one seemed to be able to help her. I know all the managers/team leaders were busy with customers, but I really feel that someone could have made a bigger effort to come to the phone. I think sometimes no one really wants to. Besides, I saw a team member at the service desk laughing and goofing off, which I found out later that she was supposedly on lunch - on the floor - with her vest still on. She's characterized by lying, so who knows if that was true? Anyway, at one point, one of the team leaders was walking by. I'll call her "A". "A" had a customer in tow, that I did not see and when I asked her if she could help the caller. "A" said in a snippy tone, "I have a customer that I am helping!". Okay. So then team leader "D" walked by. I asked "D" if she could help. She said that she was helping a customer. This was answered in a cordial tone. I mumbled to myself something about getting help for the customers around here. Another customer came to my register then, so I was still unable to run and help the lady on the phone. I heard a commotion behind me and "A" answered the phone (at that moment I had no idea it was my customer on line 1 that I had been paging forever for) and she had her customer right with her. She apparently took the call, and then began berating me and the other cashier, "R", for how we could have handled that better/differently. I was so embarrassed, mostly for her. I don't embarrass easily. I felt like she was speaking to a 3 year old, which I would never have done to any child myself. The customer's eyebrows raised when she was speaking to us this way, both "R" and I admittedly got defensive. "A" and "D" both claim I am argumentative, which doesn't surprise me all that much, however, I don't recall being that way in this situation. Not to the point of being written up for it, anyway. Certainly not. I felt defensive, and even held back because I think it is highly inappropriate to be speaking that way (and arguing) in front of customers, causing me to react that way in front of customers. Shouldn't the one in authority be held to a higher standard, especially when provoking their employees? That's the insane part. It's like rape, without the physical violation. You are helpless to the power above you and that just stinks! I really like "A" in a personal capacity, but I highly disagree with this write-up, which was a "verbal warning" btw.
This has all happened between "A" and I before. In that case, I pulled her aside (something like 20 minutes later, when the customers were gone and I could access her attention) and asked her to please refrain from speaking to me like an idiot in front of the customers. She has a way of being condescending to you, which I explained I could handle much better one-on-one, but not in front of customers. That was not the time, nor the place. She agreed but asked that I not talk over her. I explained the first time and again this current occasion that the reason I interrupt her and talk over her is because I am defensive, embarrassed and humiliated by her tone in front of customers.
So, when we are all in the office, "D", "A" and I (not "I"! haha) talking about this, she admits that she was going to just send me home to "cool off" whatever that means, but changed her mind. I was fine moments after the incident. I didn't need to cool off, she did, apparently. I was shocked to be pulled into the office over this. She admitted during the meeting that she has a "chip on her shoulder" due to the fact that she is 24 and in a managerial-type position in the company and that she has something to prove. She doesn't like it when older people have issues with her age and talk down to her due to her young age. I assured her that her age never entered my mind and is not an issue for me. This leads me to think that in her mind, she is out to get us (older people) before we "get her", so to speak. I think this could be a problem. She told me how she was walked all over when she first came into this position (or to the company - not sure which) and that she was not going to let that happen any longer. I think she is looking for something that is not there. Seeking to cut us off at the knees, even when we haven't done anything, "Just in case". Set us straight, before we have the chance to do anything. Also, I don't expect boss "P" to understand the not-berating-your-employees-in-front-of-customers either, as I have seen him do it too.
So, I know this is long and drawn out, but I really feel the need to get this out. It's really bugging me. I feel like, what the heck! If this is what happens when someone really cares about their job, really likes their job and hasn't ever done anything wrong - on purpose...sheesh, I'm glad I'm a Christian and things like this matter, otherwise I'd be fired by now! How does everyone do it? No wonder another one of my co-workers, who has lasted so long, is so legalistic. You have to be, I guess.
It also bothers me because "D", whom I previously LOVED working with, seems to have turned on me for some reason. I felt it for about a week or two prior to all this and I had been meaning to speak with her about it, but I never got the chance. It was very subtle. Plus, I dreaded seeing her deny it, when I trust my discernment on this completely. So, after this little meeting and write-up with "A" and "D" as the witness, I asked "D" if things were okay with us. She hearkened back to the day before when we were debating medications for cows vs peroxide (my position). She was very angry over the topic, so I let it drop. I guess you can't debate stuff with some people! Anyway, she went back to that topic, when I had forgotten all about it. I then said that I was referring to a time prior to that and wanted to know if there was anything wrong or she had ill feelings toward me for some reason, but she quickly dismissed that with a wave of her hand, saying things are fine. I'm not so sure. I think that gossip is what gets people to "turn" on you for no apparent reason. Like, someone decides they don't like you for whatever reason, makes something up about you or twists the truth and then someone else starts acting bejiggety toward you and you can feel it. Makes no sense, but I suppose that's human nature.
Once, about a month after I started working there, I had a fellow cashier, "S" lie about me - outright!, when I first started there and "D" was the one who inadvertently revealed the lie. Still "D" defended "S", saying that she's her friend, even though she couldn't deny the lie. I think that's preposterous. "D" insisted on taking care of it herself, and asked me not to confront "S" about it. I let her. This time. I maintain that if something like that ever happens again with "S", I will deal with her myself. Okay, so it sounds like I'm going to punch her. I won't! I am not a physical person. I hate that! I just want to be sure that it is dealt with appropriately, whatever that takes or means. I will not be played like that, nor have my reputation questioned. Right after that lying incident though, "S" was extremely nice to me, doing my work for me and everything. Really bending over backwards, which just proves her guilt in my opinion.
So, now I work tonight and I kinda dread it. What is in store for me today? Will "P" be there and cranky? Will "D" not like me today? Will "S" be her usual nasty self? (something I didn't mention yet, but is unfortunately true). Will "A" still have a chip on her shoulder? Will something else happen?
I have to remember though....I Am Second! (see post below)
Monday, December 29, 2008
I Am Second
I went on over to the link and found other celebrities who claim to be Second. What is second? That's the best part!!! Being Second to Christ. Knowing that in this life, we are not first.....He is. How awesome is that???? I'm hoping that there will be more recognizable celebrities on the I Am Second website than there currently are. I love to hear the testimonies of how these celebrities came to realize they are second.
I also always wondered what was Stephen Baldwin's story. Now I know!!!
Don't forget to click the link for more videos after viewing the first one. There are usually a few more to watch.
Friday, December 26, 2008
A day late, but.....
Thursday, December 25, 2008
The most difficult job in the world
While listening, my day-long melancholy mood turned to tears. Why? Because I realize that my pain from being a mom is nothing compared to what Jesus gave me. Today is Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of our Savior and I'm feeling sorry for myself because one of my kids makes me insane with his negative moods, self-centeredness, and unappreciative attitude.
This mom thing, when I heard all my life how it's the hardest job ever, I really didn't appreciate that until recently. I mean, no one told me that I would struggle with an extremely strong-willed child with many issues. No one told me that my sweet, compliant, mature young boy would grow up to be moody, disrespectful and negligent of other people's feelings. I didn't really think those that said it was a difficult "job" being a mom really knew what the heck they were talking about. After all, my boy was so good and sweet and never lied. He still doesn't, but what does he do instead? He tells you the truth --- about EVERYTHING! Stuff I don't want to know! Like, how he's disappointed in what he didn't get, even though we scrimped to get him something I knew he would just love (and he does still), but it's not enough. I want to send him away to a third-world country for a few months so he can appreciate what he has. Uhg!
Good news is, my previously difficult daughter has been sweet as honey and very much appreciates what she has, even though Christmas time is difficult for her.
Don't get me wrong. I love my kids, but I feel I've lost the fight. Perhaps I'm just having a little pity party all for me. Perhaps it's finally menopause. Who knows. The point is, I am owning up to the fact that though I complain about my son's melancholy-ness, it's me who is struggling with the self-centered melancholy-ness today. Today, of all days. What am I thinking????
Lord God, forgive me for my self-centered behaviour and for not looking to You first. Help me to focus on You and only You. Help me to know the right thing to do regarding both of my kids. Thank you for giving us Your Son on this day, 2000 years ago. Thank you for loving us and drawing me near to you continuously, through my life's trials. I need that perspective, even when it pains me.
In Jesus' precious name, AMEN!!! :-D
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Costco denies us Christmas
Here's what I got from a newsletter today from the AFA (American Family Association).
Costco says 'No' to Christmas...literally
December 2, 2008
Dear Friend,
Costco has 520 stores nationwide. But you will not find "Christmas" in a single store.
That's because Costco says it will not use the term "Christmas" on its website or in its stores. Instead, Costco is telling customers it purposely chooses to use the generic "holiday" verbiage. You know, they stock holiday gifts, not Christmas gifts.
Last week, a customer wrote to Costco and asked this direct question – "Does Costco use the word 'Christmas' in your store advertising or on any signs anywhere in your stores during the Christmas season? That's a pretty simple question, yes or no."
Kory Rosacrans, staff manager for Costco replied, "I guess the answer would be No."
Rosacrans said, "Costco does not advertise on television, on radio or in print like other retailers. We only advertise by mailings and e-mail messages sent directly to our members who have paid for the privilege of shopping with us."
Costco wants you to do your "Christmas" shopping with them, while refusing to recognize that Christmas even exists.
Take Action!Send your e-mail to Costco. Let Costco know that you will exercise "your privilege" of shopping only at stores that recognize Christmas. Remind Costco that their competitors are vying for your business too, and you will shop accordingly.
I want to say that I have noticed in the many years that I have shopped at Sam's Club, that Sam's seems to be overwhelmingly Christian. They have a lot of Christian products (books, music, etc.), and they sell huge and nice nativity scenes at Christmas time. I am ashamed to say that recently I commented that I would be switching to Costco, simply because I wanted to check it out and because I believe they have a larger selection of organic foods. I'm glad I haven't done that and I will not be in the future, unless they change their tune. I will not support anything anti-Christian, if I can help it. Our country has a big enough battle ahead. We don't need crap like that too.